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BURITI - The Tree of Life

Buriti (Boo-ree-chee)


The Buriti palm tree - scientific name Mauritia flexuosa - flourishes in tropical climates, so it's mostly seen in the Amazon Rainforest in South America.


The Buriti palm tree looks like most other palm trees, with its defining feature being the pale yellow flowers that come out in the rainy season lasting from December to April.


Buriti fiber, extracted from Buriti palm leaf, is a vital component in the production of bio-jewels from ETHNIC Brazil's collection.
Get to know a little more about the products developed and handmade in Brazil using this unique fiber.


Ethnic Brazil supports the riverside and native communities of that region in Brazil generating employment and income for the artisans who use the fibers from this amazing tree on their products.


With your purchase, you are helping the sustainability of several communities in the North and Central South of Brazil!

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